
  • 我在哪(commandHere)


  • 你在哪(commandWhere)


  • 龙战优化(optimizedDragonRespawn)


  • 防火图腾(antiFireTotem)


    • 自定义防火物品(commandCustomAntiFireItems)

      用命令控制任何物品是否防火,开启规则后使用/customAntiFireItems help命令查看使用说明。

  • 大末影箱(largeEnderChest)



  • commandHere

    A copy button has been added at the end to copy the coordinates.

  • commandWhere

    A copy button has been added at the end to copy the coordinates.

  • optimizedDragonRespawn

    @Overwrite has been replaced with @WrapMethod to prevent conflicts with other mods.

  • antiFireTotem

    The rule has been removed and replaced with commandCustomAntiFireItems rule.

    • commandCustomAntiFireItems

      Use command to control whether any item is fireproof or not, After enabling the rules, use the /customAntiFireItems help command to view the usage instructions

  • largeEnderChest

    Now, when this rule is enabled, a message will be broadcasted informing players that they need to rejoin the game for it to take effect.

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